Thursday, Kyra's play group went on a date to the Yellow River Game Ranch. That was her first time there and I'm pretty sure we'll be going back...soon. We had a great time! Kyra liked feeding the goats, pigs, deer, and more. We walked/strolled around a mile long trail and pet and fed lots of animals. Now that Kyra is in nursery, she is getting to know the kids in the ward her age. I'm so glad we made it out to this one!
I loved this little guy, well there was nothing little about him except for his wobbly legs.
I felt so sorry for the porker!

Kyra feeding goats

Feeding more goats

This deer might start eating Kyra if he doesn't get that cracker!
We can't wait to go back and do it all over again.
we had so much fun! you took some great pictures.
So cute! Kyra is getting so big! What a doll!! Looks like lots of fun!
Hey! You won 3 pairs of Leg Warmers! Go pick the 3 you want and email me your shipping info! and
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